23 of September of 2008

FGV inaugurates the sculptor Javier Sampérez’s exhibition in Lametro Gallery.


Valencia, (22-9-08). The managing director at Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana (FGV), Marisa Gracia, will attend the sculptor, Javier Sampérez’s exhibition inauguration tomorrow at Lametro Gallery in the Metrovalencia Colón station.

The exhibition offers 25 wall pieces and a central installation. His sculptures, distinct and compelling, are created by combining fittings which are usually made of iron. His work is rooted in traditional rationalism that spams from Neoconcrete art to minimalism.

  • Tuesday, September 23rd 8pm
  • Metrovalencia Colón station, Lametro Gallery (Plaza de los Pinazo, Valencia)
  • From September 23rd to November 15th.

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