Environmental management and quality

In line with the values that define public transport, the rail transport service provided by Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana (FGV) is committed to carrying out its activity with the utmost respect and protection for the environment.

Since 2010, FGV has had an environmental management system certified by AENOR, according to the international standard UNE-EN ISO 14001 for environmental management, both in Metrovalencia and TRAM d’Alacant.

n turn, FGV has a Passenger Public Transport Service Quality Management System in accordance with the European Quality Standard UNE-EN 13816, in all metro and tram lines of the two commercial operations, certified by AENOR. This standard establishes a Flagship Service that determines the levels of quality requirements in 8 specific criteria, among which Speed, Customer Service, Offer, Comfort, etc., should be highlighted.

The certification process for the UNE -EN 13816 standard for the Alicante lines began in 2008 with Lines 1, 3 and 4 of TRAM d’Alacant and was subsequently extended to the rest of the lines.

Likewise, FGV’s Quality Management System has been certified by ISO 9001 with a company-wide scope, whose ultimate goal is the review and improvement of the company’s processes, resulting in improved efficiency of the entire company and, consequently, of the service we provide to our customers.

The quality certifications affect aspects such as punctuality, cleanliness of trains and stations, customer service, accessibility and the information offered, aspects whose improvement favourably affects the satisfaction of our passengers.
