07 of October of 2008

FGV offered special tram and metro services for the XXIX Fireworks Festival


Metrovalencia will increase its service before and after the fireworks show

  • Nearby stations are Alameda, Aragón, Colón and Facultats.
  • Timetables are posted at the stations and at

 Valencia, (7-10-08). Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana (FGV) will offer special tram and metro services for the XXIX Fireworks Festival tomorrow, Wednesday, October 8th 2008. The fireworks festival will be held in the old Turia riverbed the night before the October 9th holiday from midnight on.

In order to provide citizens with transport to the festival, Metrovalencia will increase the number of trains throughout the night of October 8th and will also prolong services to provide return trips after the fireworks show.

For security reasons, Civil Defence has established a safety barrier around the area where the fireworks will be launched so from 23:00 until the end of the fireworks display the Alameda station will be closed to the general public. During this time, passengers who wish to go to the Festival will be able to get off at the Colón, Facultats or Aragón stations.

Timetables for these special services will be posted at the stations and at

Since line 3 was opened in 1995, Metrovalencia has offered uninterrupted special services for the International Fireworks Festival. The progressive opening of new sections on line 3 and 5 have allowed Metrovalencia to extend this service to the rest of the lines and to a large number of towns within the metropolitan area of Valencia.

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